HORNGARTH at Whitby Festival and The Folklore Society


Despite lockdown, HORNGARTH has been seen at Furness Tradition Festival, Whitby at Home and is currently on offer to members of the Folklore Society via a link on their blog.  


An audio piece " The Tide Will Turn' will offer another angle on the service hacking down and weaving interviews, field recording , archive material and cassette recordings made by participants to evoke the mixture of superstition, social obligation and inconvenience that has followed the Whitby Horngarth Service from its roots in rituals of rogation to the present day, through 900 years of recorded observance.

It includes the voices of hear several generations of the family that delivered the service on pein of losing their land, the current Court Leet Bailiff of Fyling, various explainers and commentators, and of the service itself.


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